10 events found.
ACSL fourth contest 第四次區賽
Graph theory 競賽內容: 圖論
ACSL All start final 全球總決賽
https://www.acsl.org/about/finals The date and time of the final cannot be rescheduled, please mark this as all-day event. 全球總決賽時間固定,要同時登入競賽,時間不能改動,任何狀況都不能重考,請大家空出一天,謝謝!
congressional app challenge officially launch day
For middle schoolers and high schoolers. Use any language, with any platform to design the APP. https://www.congressionalappchallenge.us/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/CAC-2022-Educator-Flyer.pdf
ACSL 1st regional contest 第一次區賽
Elementary: Computer Number Systems Junior Computer Number Systems Recursive Functions What Does This Program Do? - Branching